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Ứng dụng mô hình "Lớp học đảo ngược" trong giảng dạy trực tuyến môn học Biên đạo múa cho sinh viên khối nghệ thuật

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Tóm tắt
The flipped classroom is a form of relatively common use in recent years, which is also used a lot in the online learning processThe article's authors experimented the flipped classroom model with second-year students at Hanoi University of Culture in Choreography courseThe study was conducted within 7 weeks under the "flipped classroom" model and brought positive results including students' high academic results, high satisfaction level and clearly demonstrated personal capacity.
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Đặng, Trần Hiếu
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Hiệp hội các Trường Đại học, Cao đẳng Việt Nam
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